The ISAC Management System
ISAC stands for International Student's Academic Career. This is a NileBridge International smart system created to provide strategic advisory and management services to our International Student Clients. The benefits of this system start from inception to completion of the student's academic career. Our International Student Clients' assumptions and expectations are managed for better and measured outcomes. Our clients learn to navigate the Complex U.S. System on and off campus. The ISAC tool offers more realistic and enriched experiences throughout our clients' academic careers and after their graduation.
Streamlines our international student clients’ application processes from inception up to their successful admission
Manages and monitors the students' progress during their entire academic career, completion of degree program, graduation, up to post-graduation
Explains how the U.S. System works beyond campus life and academics
Ensures that the international student's academic goals are achieved in time
Reduces wasteful spending and saves money for the student in the long run
Provides real value and satisfaction to our International student clients through strategic counseling
Increases our international student clients’ peace of mind as they successfully complete their academic career in the U.S.
Listen to these international students share some of the micro nuances of living in the U.S. while attending college.